On Tuesday and Wednesday, April 11-12, 2023, the Meramu (MErencanakan kolaboRAsi Mitra Usaha) event took place offline, hosted by Konstelasi Accelerator – Supernova Ecosystem and attended by cohorts from batch 1 to batch 3. Concurrently, during this event, Konstelasi Accelerator also introduced the prototype of the collaborative canvas or Value Chain Collaboration Canvas (VC3). This canvas is a contribution from Supernova Ecosystem as an initial step towards a more sustainable Indonesia.
Held at 101 Sedayu Darmawangsa, Meramu is a series of events organized by Konstelasi Accelerator to bring cohorts together with external parties. The main objective of this activity is to identify collaboration potential, create collaboration plans, and then present them to external parties for feedback and suggestions on how these collaboration plans can be implemented.
Meramu is one of the two main series of activities conducted by Konstelasi Accelerator this year, with the other being Menjamu (MENJAjaki Mitra Usaha). Menjamu, planned to take place at the end of 2023, will serve as a follow-up to the identification of collaboration potential and the initiation of the collaborative canvas that took place during Meramu Volume 1, 2023.
The prototype of the Value Chain Collaboration Canvas (VC3)
In conjunction with Meramu, Konstelasi Accelerator also introduced the Value Chain Collaboration Canvas, consisting of nine aspects and three elements. This canvas is expected to stimulate various value chain collaborations among sustainable businesses, policymakers, governments, and various other organizations within the sustainable business ecosystem.
This canvas is the result of collaboration between the Supernova Ecosystem team and various internal and external stakeholders. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were also conducted with LTKL, TAL, Lestari Capital, Paloma Sjahrir Foundation, Ford Foundation, and various other organizations to gather perspectives from different parties. Not only that, but the development of this canvas prototype was also assisted by Tuturdaya. The canvas is still in the iteration process, but we hope that this marks the beginning of steps towards a more sustainable Indonesia.
In addition, Meramu also provided an opportunity for cohorts to meet with all Working Groups from the Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi (KEM) or Earth Economy Coalition. There are five working groups (WGs) in KEM, namely the pipeline WG, communication WG, monitoring evaluation learning (MEL) WG, enabler WG, and advocacy WG. The meeting between cohorts and KEM is expected to foster collaboration and awareness that we are not alone in realizing the dream of a more sustainable Indonesia.
The enthusiasm from various parties was evident during the second evening’s Project Presentation session. Cohorts and external parties shared insights and ideas about the collaboration concepts generated from this activity.
“We see VC3 having great collaboration potential, and we’ll explore how our cohorts can collaborate with Supernova Ecosystem’s cohorts,” said Rizky from Instellar in response to the identified collaboration potential formulated during the event.
“LTKL is also ready to support collaboration and strongly supports the collaboration potential happening in Kalimantan,” said Fifi, representing LTKL.
Hadi Susanto Wang (Arcia Oil), a Konstelasi Accelerator cohort, also shared his thoughts on the Meramu event. “This event (Meramu) is very beneficial for us. Today we were facilitated to develop collaborative ideas and given the opportunity to network more widely.”
Although the Meramu event only lasted for two days, we hope that the enthusiasm from the collaborations in this activity will continue as a step towards a better Indonesia and the creation of a sustainable ecosystem for green businesses. See you at the next event!